OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Shrinkwrap Mesh

This tool is used to create a watertight mesh around elements.

You can access this tool from the following:
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Mesh > Create

Level of Detail Shows the resolution. Higher level of detail means higher resolution and smoother surfaces.
Result Allows you to select the type of mesh output. Options are:
  • Volume - Creates a volume mesh around element. In case of hollow elements, wraps mesh around the element.
  • Surface - Creates a surface mesh around element. In case of hollow elements, wraps mesh such that the open faces are closed.

Shrinkwrapping a hollow element: Left - Original element | Center - Level of Detail = 8, Result = Surface, Keep Original = On, Skip Simplification = Off | Right - Level of Detail = 8, Result = Surface, Skip Simplification = On

Left - Original element | Center - Level of Detail = 5, Result = Volume, Create Thick Shell = On, Outer Thickness = 5, Inner Thickness = 2, Keep Original = On, Skip Simplification = Off | Right - Level of Detail = 5, Result = Volume, Create Thick Shell = On, Outer Thickness = 5, Inner Thickness = 2, Keep Original = On, Skip Simplification = On

Create Thick Shell If on, applies a thickening to the mesh before shrinkwrapping. If off, parts of the mesh that are detected as surface instead of volume, will be considered as artifacts and removed.
Outer Thickness (Available only when Create Thick Shell is on) Thickness is applied on the outer side of the mesh based on specified value.
Inner Thickness (Available only when Create Thick Shell is on) Thickness is applied on the inner side of the mesh based on specified value.
Keep Original
  • Off - Deletes the original element after shrinkwrapping.
  • On - Keeps the original element after shrinkwrapping.
Skip Simplification
  • Off - (Default) creates a simple mesh with fewer facets.
  • On - creates a non simplified quad mesh.